Proton Cyclotron Waves and Pickup Ion Ring Distribution Instabilities Upstream of Mars

Proton Cyclotron Waves and Pickup Ion Ring Distribution Instabilities Upstream of Mars
Kun Cheng Kaijun Liu Ameneh Mousavi Misa Cowee Xianming Zheng Jingyi Zhou et al

Fig. 2. (a) The evolution of the x-component (red line), y-component (blue line), z-component (green line), and total (black line) wave magnetic field energy densities. (b–d) The wave number power spectra of the wave magnetic component By at three different simulation times as labeled. The color bar represents the power spectra on a base-10 logarithmic scale. The red dashed, red solid, and white solid lines in panel (b) are the linear wave growth rate contour lines of γ = 0.3 Ωp for the IC, IB, and mirror instabilities, respectively, derived from Figure 1.

Fig. 3. Ion velocity distributions in a logarithmic scale at tΩp = 0, 10, 20 and 40 in the simulation..

Fig. 4. Magnetic wave power spectra in a base-10 logarithmic scale (a, b) and the corresponding wave ellipticity (c, d) obtained from the discrete Fourier transform of the complex magnetic field S(x, t) = By (x, t) + i Bz(x, t). The two columns from left to right display the results calculated for the wave magnetic field recorded during two different intervals as labeled. The ellipticity values in panels (c, d) are shown for only the waves with power spectral values above 10-7.6 and 10-6 (arbitrary unit) in panels (a, b), respectively, to highlight the enhanced waves in the simulation.

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